Refresh Your Personal Brand in 30 Days

Craft a brand that captures your unique journey and connects deeply with your audience.

Tell the Story Only You Can Tell

You’ve built a remarkable career as an athlete, author, or professional, but is your brand reflecting the full power of your story? In a rapidly changing world, your personal brand needs to evolve with you. By refreshing your brand, you can amplify your story, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and stay ahead of the curve

What’s Included

What You’ll Get in 30 Days: A Refreshed Brand with a Clear, Powerful Story

BrandScript Refinement

BrandScript Refinement

One-Liner & Tagline

BrandScript Refinement

Website Copy Refresh

BrandScript Refinement

How We Bring Your Story to Life in 30 Days

Personal Brand Inteview

We dive deep into your journey—your struggles, victories, and defining moments. This is where we uncover the heart of your story.

Messaging Reboot

We craft messaging that reflects who you are today and where you’re going, making sure your story resonates with your audience.

Launch a Refreshed Brand!

In 30 days, you’ll have a personal brand that not only looks great but tells the story that will inspire and engage your audience.

Ready to get started?

Invest in a Brand That Tells Your Story

We help you uncover the heart of your story and create a brand that communicates it clearly and effectively. Your audience is waiting—let’s make sure they hear your story.

30 Day Brand Refresh: $2,500