Be Seen as the Expert!

In this course, you'll learn to leverage life's lessons to create a powerful message and become a trusted thought leader.

Course Overview: Become an Expert Brand

In a hyper-competitive world, your unique story is what sets you apart.

Everyone has a compelling story to tell and a unique skill set to offer. The act of sharing them can be very powerful. However, for many, putting these experiences in writing in a way that spotlights them as a credible and capable expert can seem like a daunting task.


The good news is that there is an expert brand inside of each one of us – it’s simply a matter of bringing it out! This workbook will provide you with a proven system to engage and connect with your intended audience on a deeper level.

What you’ll get out of this course

01 - What's Your Why

  • Discover your "passionate purpose."

  • Audit your existing messaging.

  • Develop your "Hero’s Journey."

03 - What's Your Where?

  • Create and foster media relationships.

  • Identify the right platforms to engage your audience.

  • Finding your tribe and starting a community.

02 - What's Your Who?

  • Defining your client avatar.

  • Craft the story you want to tell others.

  • Use a 7-part framework to teach you the Character, Problem, and Guide of your story that you should share with the world.

04 - What's Your How?

  • Develop a portfolio of evergreen content.

  • Apply the DIE SCUM framework.

  • Commit to a writing cadence.

Jeff Glauser

Founder, Brandscribed

As a former journalist, professor, screenwriter, and sales manager, Jeff Glauser knows a little something about rebranding himself. Since 2018, Jeff has coached and mentored dozens of pivoting brands seeking more structure, clarity, and consistency when it comes to living, crafting, and sharing their ideal story.

What you’ll get out of this course

Discover Your

Identify the personal experiences that resonate most with your audience.

Attract Your Ideal Client

Determine your target market. Then create an irresistable offer.

Increase Your Exposure

Learn how to maximize digital platforms to build valuable relationships.

Be Seen As A Thought Leader

Insert yourself as a viable source for relevant, trending news topics.

Course Content

Week 1

Module 1-2: What's Your Why/Who?

Week 2

Module 3-4: What's Your Where/How?

Week 3

Module 5-6: Outreach and Relationship Building

Week 4

Module 7-8: Closing the Deal and Putting It Into Practice

Two Options

DIY Masterclass - Take the course on your own at your pace. $99

4 Week Comprehensive Training with weekly coaching calls to expediate the results $499


Shankar Thayver

A tremendous help portraying me as an industry thought leader.

Heidi Aderman

When I started my business, my messaging was all over the place. This class helped me with a process of simplifying my content into something people could relate to and engage with.

Join This Masterclass

Powerful personal stories lead to more trusted relationships. This class will help you create compelling and educational content that frames you as a relatable and credible authority in your field. Ultimately creating more revenue for your business.

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